Experience the power of research-backed team building simulations
Achieve thriving high-performance teams by building connections, reducing isolation and improving team spirit.
Easy & Effective
The SmoothTeam team building simulation is ideal for remote, hybrid and in-person teams. Through concrete, hands-on exercises, your team will get to know each other’s strengths, develop joint working habits and improve team culture in just two hours. The simulations are available worldwide with a 100% satisfaction and skeptic guarantee.
Reserve a two-hour time slot for your team, remote or on-site.
Team members join the simulation on the SmoothTeam platform.
Learn about each other’s strengths, improve communication, and build trust.
Enjoy illustrative reports that highlight the key insights of the simulation.
Why leading companies love SmoothTeam
Most popular simulations
Team Strengths
Team members discover each other’s strengths and learn how to leverage those for the benefit of the team.
Leadership Team
Helps leadership teams improve their efficiency and effectiveness.
Helps teams become more agile and adaptable by understanding the practicalities and assumptions of the workplace.
Team Building Simulations
SmoothTeam Skeptic Guarantee
Don’t worry if you received an invite to a SmoothTeam team building simulation! This won’t be like some tedious group activities. The simulation will provide the framework for the event, but it’s up to the team members to choose the topics and how in-depth they want to go. We’ve run thousands of simulations, and SmoothTeam is especially suited for people who are tired of forced team building.