Operationalising the insights of the simulation

The results workshop supports the team in utilizing the insights gained during the simulation as well as the information provided by the STPA reports in order to improve team performance. In the workshop, we put aside all the smart devices and meet each other humanely for common development. We make visible and structure different factors related to team performance. Guided by a facilitator, the team determines concrete development steps and also deals with issues where the team is already doing well and the members are proud of.

Simulation insights to support team development

Insights gained during the simulation are transformed into practical steps in a results workshop where the team deepens their understanding of the observations, insights, and lessons learned during the simulation. Based on this, concrete steps are planned to support team development.


The structure of the facilitated workshop is based on the ORID model (objective, reflective, interpretive, decisive) model. Participants define the content of the workshop and raise topics relevant to the team’s activities. The facilitator provides a framework that assists in structuring team members’ observations, feelings, meanings, and concrete suggestions for improvement.

Research background

The results workshop is based on various group work methods that SmoothTeam has tailored to work together with the simulations and their insights.


  • Create a shared understanding of the factors affecting team performance
  • Makes visible the observations, insights, and lessons learned during the simulation
  • Highlights both the areas for team development and the practices and procedures that should be maintained
  • Leads to concrete development steps

For whom

  • Recommended for all teams going through a simulation
  • The duration of the results workshop is, depending on the needs of the team, about 2-4 hours. The workshop can be carried out immediately after the simulation or within two weeks.

Other simulations

Johtoryhmä tehokkaaksi

Simulaatiossa käsitellään fasilitoidusti ryhmän jäsenten valmiuksia ja vahvuuksia toimia erilaisissa erityisesti johtoryhmää kohtaavissa tilanteissa.

Valmiutta muutostilanteisiin

Simulaatio auttaa tiimiä toimimaan konkreettisissa muutostilanteissa. Se luo sosiaalista koherenssia sekä uskoa tiimin kykyyn toimia yllättävissä tilanteissa.

Työn kuormitustekijät

Eri ihmiset reagoivat työn kuormitustekijöihin eri tavoin. Simulaatio mahdollistaa keskustelun tiimin sisällä eri kuormitustekijöistä ja kunkin suhtautumisesta niihin.

Hitsaa tiimisi yhteen

Simulaatio auttaa ymmärtämään tiimin jäseniä ja tekee näkyväksi tiimin jäsenten mieltymykset erilaisia työtehtäviä kohtaan. Sopii hyvin sosiaalisen koherenssin ja ymmärryksen rakentamiseen.

Ota yhteyttä!

14 + 7 =

Kansainväliset kumppanit

Ruotsi: Lovak
Etelä-Korea: Paul&Mark
Kalifornia, USA: Q4 Leaders


Käyntiosoite:  Åkerlundinkatu 8, Tampere

Postiosoite: Nekalantie 28, 33100 Tampere


smoothteam [AT-MERKKI] smoothteam.fi