Tense Situations

The simulation allows for a neutral discussion of tense situations and helps to prevent major conflicts. 

Tense Situations

What is the need? A simulation is suitable for a team that wants to learn how to deal with disagreements in a constructive way and thereby improve its effectiveness. It also gives you the tools to deal with difficult issues and helps prevent larger, more energy-consuming conflicts. The simulation is not designed to resolve disagreements, but to develop understanding and give the team the tools to deal with them.

Why does it work? Avoiding tense situations and conflicts often leaves disagreements under the surface, which is why it is important to face and deal with them. Simulation gives us the tools to do this by helping us understand how differently people can act in tense situations and what is natural for each of them. The topics of discussion in simulation are also ones that do not come up very naturally in coffee-table discussions.

What about in practice? The simulation contains eight questions about tense situations and how to deal with them. Each question is discussed together. At the heart of the simulation is a solution-oriented, neutral approach. It helps us to see, for example, what we each experience as a tense situation and how we naturally act in them.

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Research background

The issues raised in the exercise are based on research in the field.


  • Understand the different approaches and styles of team members in dealing with tense situations
  • Discuss common ways for the team to deal with tense situations

For whom

  • For teams who want to develop their ways of dealing with tense situations and learn how to handle them.
  • For teams of 4-16 people, also suitable for temporary and project teams.
  • Multi-selection does not involve judging the strengths of colleagues, which makes it possible to play with people who know each other less well.